Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Top 5 Wednesday: Intimidating TBR

Hey guys! So today I'm going to do my first ever Top 5 Wednesday! This tag was originally created by Lainey from gingerreadslainey on Youtube, but has recently been taken over by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes on Youtube. The goodreads group can be found here.

This week's topic is books you are intimidated by! I'm never really intimidated by books, mostly I just put them aside because I think "Well I can always get back to it, lets read this newer shorter one instead and be more time efficient." Except I never get back to it and it collects dust on my bookshelf. But there are a select few that intimidate me :P

1. The Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. Mass

This first one is a series, rather than a book. But it's such a large series and the books are so long and the world must be so large. It's just one of those series that are constantly hyped over on Booktube and book blogs, and I don't want to be disappointed. I will get to it though! Its just a matter of when :P

2. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

Once again, quite a large book and is part of a series. Right now I just don't have the time to dedicate to reading such a large detailed story. Lot's of people have recommended it to me though, and the premise sounds really interesting. Really its just the world that intimidates me in this one. I don't know why, but for some reason I think this series has this large complex system of magic and laws and such. I don't know why, but that's one reason why I haven't picked it up yet. I may this summer though. We will see how it goes xD

3. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

I finished Cinder about a month ago, and enjoyed it. I had predicted the main plot twist at the end really early on, which made it less enjoyable to read. I'm intrigued to read the rest of the series, but I don't want what happened with the first book to happen with the rest. Plus they are so long and somewhat complex. I will pick this one up soon hopefully, but am really worried I won't enjoy it, because I want to like it so much.

4. The Raven Boys by Maggie Steifvater 

Another series that has lots of hype in the book community. I REALLY need to pick the first one up and start the series, but they are all so loooooong. It's not really an excuse, plus the last book in the series is coming out soon (Less than a week!) So it will be nice to finish the series within a month or so with the last book out. But knowing me that probably won't happen, lol.

5. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

This one isn't that long, and isn't very complicated. So why am I intimidated by it? All classics intimidate me really. No matter the length. I want to love them all, to be that one who can quote them all and know them and call back memories from them. But there is just something about old writing styles that just intimidates me. It's really weird. But especially this classic, I want to love it sooooo much, and I don't want to be disappointed with myself. (Silly, I know lol)

But there you go! My top 5 intimidating books/series! I hope you guys enjoyed my first Top 5 Wednesday. Remember to go check out the Goodreads group to find other Top 5 Wednesdayers and if you want to do it yourself!


  1. I just finished Scarlet for myself actually, it's amazing trust me!! It is even better than Cinder in some ways :)

  2. Really? Oooo, I'll have to check it out from the library soon then!

  3. I predicted the 'plot twist' in Cinder as well, and most of the ones in Scarlet. Although they are brilliant books, there aren't a lot of things you aren't able to guess easily. I have The Name of the Wind on my list as well.

    1. Hmm, that's interesting. They might just be that series that I pick up when I want an easy but interesting read :P

    2. Yeah. But the characters and world are complex.

  4. Yeah, I guess that's what makes me intrigued by them :P
